Sunday, September 29, 2013

How To Create Any Portable Application How To Create Any Portable Application

How To Create Any Portable Application

Step-by -Step Tutorial to make any Application Portable with Winrar & Universal Extractor:
What is a portable program ?
A portable program is a piece of software that you can carry around with you on a portable device(USB thumb drive, PDA or aniPod) and use on any other computer(Office, school or Colleges). It can be your email program, your browser, system recovery tools or even an operating system. The coolest part about it, is that all of your data and settings are always stored on a thumbdrive so when you unplug the device, none of your personal data is left behind.

Ok,Now Let’s See How to make a Portable Appz:
I am sure after reading this Tutorial you will not Download Portable Softwares.
To create Portable Application you need to download Universal Extractor and Winrar.
In this Tutorial i am going to provide step-by-step instruction along with Screenshot to create Portable Appz of Keepass(Freeware Utility)

1.Install both Universal Extractor and Winrar
2.Right Click on the Application which you wish to make it as Portable.There will be Option UnExtract to Subdir.Click on it.

3.This will Unextract the Appz and a Command Prompt will be displayed on the Screen.

4.After this you can find some extracted Folder as you see in Screenshot below.

5.Now open {app} Folder here only you can find the Original Applications Setup.exe File. For KeePass Appz there is KeePass.exe(Blue Colur File) Icon.Now Press F2(Rename) and Copy(Ctrl+c) the FileName.(This File name will be used in Step9)
6.Press CTRL+A (Select All) and Right Click.Now Click add to Archive ..
7.Now give a Archive name.(I have given KeePass.rar).Under Archieving Option Select Create SFX Archieve.And set Compression Mode as Best.

8.Now Click Advanced Tab and Click SFX Options.

9.This will Open a New Dialog Box(Advanced SFX Option).
10.In the General Tab.Under Run After Extraction.
Give the Appz File name (Here i have given KeePass.exe this is the File name copied in Step5)

11.Now move on to Modes Tab.Select Unpack to Temporary Folder,Hide all,Overwrite all Files.

12.Click ok.Again Clcik ok to start the SFX creation Process.

13.This will Create a Archive for the respective Appz.

14.After this Process you can find the Portable Appz in SFX archiever form.

15.If you click on that the Appz will open immediately without running the installation Process.


Home / How To Create Any Portable Application How To Create Any Portable Application

How To Create Any Portable Application

My PC takes a long time to load the desktop

My PC takes a long time to load the desktop

When I turn on my computer and log in, my computer takes a long time to load the desktop and system tray icons.How do i get rid of it? And fix the the desktop problem?
Your windows takes long time to load because of so many reasons like Virus,Damaged Registry,Fragmented Hard Disk, too many startup items, less memory space.I have already discussed in detail about these things in 5 Reasons that slows down your computer performance post.In this post I am going to show to easy fix a slower PC.

Now lets see these things in detail.
1. Remove Unwanted Startup Items
  • Goto Start–>Run.
  • Type msconfig and hit Enter.
  • Navigate to Startup tab.
  • Keep Antivirus,Instant messenger, and other important applications to load in system tray.
  • Remove unwanted application.It will pull down your PC performance.

2. Fixing Hard Disk Errors
Hard disk error occurs mainly due to improper shutdown.Its also one of the main reason which makes windows to take long time to load.
  • Goto Start –> Run.
  • Type CMD and hit enter.
  • Type chkdsk and hit enter.
  • It Check disk command checks error in HDD and fixes it.
  • Now fix errors in other drives. D,E,F,G,H,….
  • Type CHKDSK /F for drives other than C and fix HDD error.
  • I hope these two simple methods will fix your problem

How To Format The Unformatable Pendrives ?

How To Format The Unformatable Pendrives ?

I am unable to format my pendrive or delete some files in my pendrive.So how can i format my pendrive?
Why This Problem Occurs?
When your pendrive contains virus files it will constantly processing with your Pc.And each virus
are coded differently 
and its difficult to delete some infected files or format your pendrive.
  • Goto Start –> Run.
  • Type Cmd & press Enter.
  • Type the following
          Format/x J:
  • Here J: refers to your removable dsik drive letter.
  • Press Enter.
That’s it your unformattable pendrive problem is fixed.


Steam Mover – Move Installed Applications To Other Drives

Steam Mover – Move Installed Applications To Other Drives

Steam Mover is a portable freeware windows application.With Steam Mover you can easily move installed windows applications, games and other installed softwares from C:\ drive to other drives say D:\ or E:\ drive.Mostly C drive runs out of space due to many installed softwares and Games by Game lovers.Most of the people use some Utilities to cleanup junk files or even uninstall applications if computer slows down.Steam Mover solves your problem.It works only with Windows Vista or Windows 7.It does not support Windows Xp.
It smoothly moves installed software applications to other drives without affecting its registry entries.
Howto Move Installed Application with Steam Mover?
1. Download and run SteamMover.exe.
2. Put the folder in which your applications are installed in Stream apps common folder . The alternative folder is the path where the programs have to be moved (Say D:\).
3. Once the source and destination folders are set you can use the arrow button to move the applicationin between the folders.
How To Uninstall Steam Mover?
Since its a portable application simply delete SteamMover.exe, and if you really want you can remove the two Registry keys from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SteamMover\
Download: Steam Mover


Home / How to format a write-protected pendrive or memory card?? How to format a write-protected pendrive or memory card??

How to format a write-protected pendrive or memory card??

Some memory cards and USB pen drives have write protection switches, which allows you to prevent files from being deleted, or any new files being written to the device. It also prevents the drive or card from being formatted.
Occasionally, you’ll find that a USB flash drive will refuse to format and Windows will tell you that it is write protected, even though there is no switch.
Here are a couple of methods you can try to format the drive and remove the write protection. Bear in mind that there is no guarantee that they will work for you: your drive or memory card may be corrupt or broken and no utility or low-level formatting tool will make it work again. The only solution in this case is to buy a new drive.

Removing write-protection in the Registry using Regedit.exe

In any version of Windows from XP onwards, run Regedit.exe (searching regedit will usually show the program at the top of the list).
Navigate to the following key:
Double-click on the WriteProtect value in the right-hand pane of Regedit.exe. Change the Value data from 1 to 0 and click OK to save the change. Close Regedit and restart your computer. Connect your USB drive again, and you should find it is no longer write protected. You can now format the drive as normal by right-clicking on it in My Computer and choosing Format.
If you can’t find StorageDevicePolicies, you can try creating a key by right-clicking in the white space in the Control folder and choosing New -> Key and carefully entering the name.
Now double-click on the new key (folder) and right-click once again and choose New -> DWORD. Name it WriteProtect and set its value to 0. Click OK, exit Regedit and reboot your computer.
If this method doesn’t work, try the following:

Removing write-protection using Diskpart

With your USB drive plugged in, launch a command prompt. Do this by searching for cmd.exe in the Start menu (or Start screen in Windows 8). In Windows XP, click Start then Run, and type cmd.exe in the box.
NOTE: you may need to run Cmd.exe with administrator privileges if you see an “access is denied” message.
To do that, right-click on the shortcut and choose Run as administrator. In Windows 8, simply choose Command prompt (admin).
Now, type the following, pressing Enter after each command:
list disk
select disk x (where x is the number of your USB flash drive – use the capacity to work out which one it is)
attributes disk clear readonly
create partition primary
format fs=fat32  (you can swap fat32 for ntfs if you only need to use the drive with Windows computers)
Remove_write_protection_Diskpart_thumb (1)


How to turn your PC into a Wi-Fi ??

How to turn your PC into

One easy solution is to turn your laptop into a Wi-Fi hotspot. In big houses and offices, where the Wi-Fi may have dead zones – a hotspot gives access to devices that wouldn’t normally be able to connect.
Your laptop-hotspot can also come in handy when you’re out and about. If you’ve paid to connect to a public Wi-Fi, you can use your laptop to connect your other devices or friend’s computers and make the most of it!
Under Windows 7 it was relatively easy to share your Internet connection as part of an ad-hoc network. Though that functionality is still there in Windows 8, it’s much more difficult to configure. Instead, we’ll use a piece of software that can set up a hotspot for you whatever version of Windows you’re using.
To begin with, your laptop will need to be online. It could be connected up by Ethernet cable to a modem or via Wi-Fi. We’ve tried a couple of software solutions, but the easiest is Virtual Router Manager.
The program works on Windows Vista, 7 and 8 – and unlike other, similar tools, it doesn’t install any extra toolbars are adware when used.
Once installed, you can enter a new Network Name (SSID) and password for the hotspot. Select your Wireless Network Connection from the “Shared Connection” menu. Finally, click “Start Virtual Router”.
The hotspot’s name should now appear in the network settings of any of your WiFi enabled devices and you should be able to connect using the password you entered.